Biography · 簡介
楊牧(1940-2020)年生於台灣花蓮。 東海大學學士 (1963),美國愛荷華大學碩士 (1966),加州大學 (柏克萊)博士 (1971)。 曾任美國華盛頓大學 (西雅圖) 教授 (1971-2006),並任台灣大學客座教授 (1975-76,1983-84),普林士頓大學訪問教授 (1978-79),香港科技大學講座教授 (1991-94),政治大學講座教授 (2007-12),東華大學教授兼文學院長 (1996-2001),中央研究院特聘研究員兼文哲所長 (2002-06),華盛頓大學榮譽教授 (Emeritus),國立台灣師範大學榮譽講座教授,東華大學榮譽講座教授。 得獎包括詩宗獎 (1971),時報文學獎 (推薦獎 1979, 1987),吳三連文學獎 (1990),財團法人傑出人才發展基金會講座 (1996-2001),國家文藝獎 (2000),世界華文文學獎 (吉隆坡 2007),紐曼華語文學獎 (2013),Cikada Prize Sweden (2016)。 出版著作六十餘種,包括詩、散文、戲劇、評論、翻譯、編纂等。 詩作譯入英文、德文、法文、義大利文、日文、瑞典文、荷蘭文,捷克文等。
Yang Mu is the author, editor, and translator of more than sixty books of poetry and prose, a variety of scholarly monographs and other treatises on literature.
Born Wang Ching-hsien in Hualien, Taiwan in 1940, Yang Mu is Professor Emeritus of Comparative Literature at the University of Washington, Seattle, Distinguished Professor at National Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, and Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Chinese Literature at Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan.
Earlier, he taught at National Taiwan University, National Cheng Chi University, Princeton University, and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; during 1996-2001 he was Professor of Chinese and Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at National Dong Hwa University; and during 2002-06, the Distinguished Research Fellow and Director in the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy at Academia Sinica in Taipei.
B.A. (English), 1963, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan
M.F.A. (English: Creative Writing), 1966, University of Iowa, Iowa City
Ph.D. (Comparative Literature), 1971, University of California, Berkeley