1960 | 水之湄 (On the Water Margin: A Collection of Poems) | Taipei: Blue Star Poetry Society |
1963 | 花季 (Flower Season: A Collection of Poems) | Taipei: Blue Star Poetry Society |
1966 | 燈船 (Lantern Boat: A Collection of Poems) | Taipei: Wen-hsing Press |
1966 | 西班牙浪人吟 (Chinese Translation of Romancero Gitano by Federico García Lorca) | Taipei: Modern Literature Press |
1966 | 葉珊散文集 (First Essays) | Taipei: Wen-hsing Press |
1969 | 非渡集 (Selected Poems, 1956-66) | Taipei: Cheng-chung Press |
1971 | 傳說 (Legends: A Collection of Poems) | Taipei: Chih-wen Press |
1974 | The Bell and the Drum: Shih Ching as Formulaic Poetry in an Oral Tradition | Berkeley: University of California Press |
1974 | 傳統的與現代的 (Traditional and Modern: Essays in Literary Criticism) | Taipei: Chih-wen Press |
1975 | 楊牧自選集 (Selected Essays, 1960-1975) | Taipei: Li-ming Cultural Enterprise, Ltd. |
1975 | 瓶中稿 (Manuscripts Sealed in a Bottle: A Collection of Poems) | Taipei: Chih-wen Press |
1977 | 柏克萊精神 (The Spirit of Berkeley: Essays in Cultural Criticism) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1978 | 北斗行 (Songs of the Little Dipper: A Collection of Poems) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1978 | 楊牧詩集 I: 1956-1974 (Collected Poems I: 1956-1974) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1979 | 吳鳳 (Wu Feng: A Play in Four Acts) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1979 | 文學知識 (Literary Knowledge: Essays in Literary Criticism) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1980 | 禁忌的遊戲 (A Game of Taboos: Collected Poems) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1980 | 海岸七疊 (The Coast with Seven Turns: Collected Poems) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1981 | 中國近代散文選 (An Anthology of Modern Chinese Essays, Edited with an Introduction and Notes on Authors), Two Volumes | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1982 | 豐子愷文選 (Selected Essays of Feng Tzu-k’ai, Edited with an Introduction and Notes), Four Volumes | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1982 | 搜索者 (The Searcher: Collected Lyrical Essays) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1983 | 周作人文選 (Selected Writings of Chou Tso-jen, Edited with an Introduction), Two Volumes | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1984 | 文學的源流 (The Origins of Literature: Essays in Literary Criticism) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1984 | 許地山小說選 (Selected Stories of Hsu Ti-shan, Edited with an Introduction) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1985 | 許地山散文選 (Selected Essays of Hsu Ti-shan, Edited with Postcripts) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1985 | 交流道 (Interchanges: Collected Essays in Social Criticism) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1985 | 陸機文賦校釋 (A Comparative Interpretation of Lu Chi's Essay on Literature) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1986 | 有人 (Someone: Collected Poems) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1987 | 飛過火山 (Flying Over the Volcano: Essays on Society and Arts) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1987 | 山風海雨 (Storms over Hills and Ocean: Memoirs I) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1987 | 徐志摩詩選 (Selected Poems of Hsu Chih-mo, Edited with an Introduction, Postscript, Textual Criticism, and Chronology of the Poems) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1988 | From Ritual to Allegory: Seven Essays in Early Chinese Poetry | Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press |
1989 | 一首詩的完成 (The Completion of a Poem: Theoretical Essays on the Art of Poetry) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1989 | 現代中國詩選 (An Anthology of Modern Chinese Poetry, 1917-1987, Co-edited with William Tay, with an Introduction and Bibliography) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1991 | 方向歸零 (Direction Back to Zero: Memoirs II) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1991 | 完整的寓言 (A Complete Fable: Collected Poems) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1991 | 鐘與鼓 (The Bell and the Drum: Shih Ching as Formulaic Poetry in an Oral Traidion), Translated from the English into Chinese by Hsieh Ch'ien (An Unauthorized Translation) | Chengtu: Szuchuan jen-min ch'u-pan she |
1993 | 疑神 (The Skeptic: Notes on Poetical Discrepancies) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1993 | 唐詩選集 (An Anthology of T'ang Poetry) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1995 | 星圖 (Asterism: An Essay) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1995 | 楊牧詩集 II: 1974-1985 (Collected Poems II: 1974-1985) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1996 | 亭午之鷹 (The Midday Hawk: A Collection of Essays) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1997 | 葉慈詩選 (Selected Poems of W. B. Yeats), Edited and Translated from the English, with an Introduction and Notes. | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1997 | 徐志摩散文集 (Selected Essays of Hsu Chih-mo), Edited with an Introduction and Notes, and a Life of the Poet. | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1997 | 昔我往矣 (Then as I Went Leaving: Memoirs III) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1997 | 時光命題 (Propositions in Temporality: Collected Poems) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
1998 | No Trace of the Gardener: Poems of Yang Mu, Edited and Translated into English by L. R. Smith and M. Yeh. | New Haven & London: Yale University Press |
1999 | 暴風雨 (William Shakespeare: The Tempest), a Chinese Translation with an Introduction, and Notes. | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
2001 | 隱喻與實現 (Metaphor and Configuration: Collected Essays in Literary Criticism) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
2001 | 涉事 (Ventures: A Collection of Poems) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
2002 | 失去的樂土 (The Happy Land of Our Conceit: Collected Essays in Literary Criticism) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
2002 | 現代散文選續編 (A Sequel to the Anthology of Modern Chinese Essays) Edited, with Yen K'un-yang | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
2002 | Patt beim Go, A collection of poetry edited and translated into German by Susanne Hornfeck and Wang Jue. | München: Al Verlag |
2003 | 奇萊前書 (The Former Book of Mt. Ch'i-lai) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
2004 | Quelqu'un m'interroge à propos de la vérité et de la justice, A Collection of Poetry Edited and Translated into French by Angel Pino and Isabelle Rabut. | Paris |
2005 | 人文蹤跡 (Literary Pattern: Tracks and Traces) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
2005 | 掠影急流 (Shadows in the Torrent) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
2006 | 介殼蟲 (Diaspsis Patelliformi: A Collection of Poems) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
2006 | カッコ ウアザミの歌―楊牧詩集 (A Collection of Yang Mu's Poetry) Edited and Translated into Japanese by Ueda Tetsuji. | Tokyo: Shicho Sha |
2007 | 英詩漢譯集 (A Book of English Poetry), Edited and Translated into Chinese, with an Introduction and Notes. | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
2007 | 譯事 (Of Translation: Collected Essays), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Lectureship in the Humanities and Social Science | Hong Kong: Cosmos Books Ltd. |
2007 | 奇萊前書 (The Former Book of Mt. Ch'i-lai), Translated into Japanese by Ueda Tetsuji. | Tokyo: Shicho Sha |
2009 | 奇萊後書 (The Latter Book of Mt. Ch'i-Lai) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
2010 | 楊牧詩集 III: 1986-2006 (Collected Poems III: 1986-2006) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
2011 | Den Gröne Riddaren: Dikter Av Yang Mu (A Collection of 120 poems Edited and Translated into Swedish by Göran Malmqvist) | Stockholm, Sweden: Bokförlaget Tranan |
2013 | Die Spinne, das Silberfischchen und ich, A Collection of Essays, Translated into German by Susanne Hornfeck and Wang Jue. | Müchen: A1 Verlag |
2013 | 長短歌行 (Songs Long and Short: A Collection of Poems) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
2014 | 楊牧詩選 1956-2013 (Selected Poetry of Yang Mu, 1956-2013) | Gui-lin: Guang-Xi University Press |
2014 | 奇萊前書 (The Former Book of Mt. Ch'i-Lai) | Gui-lin: Guang-Xi University Press |
2014 | 奇萊後書 (The LatterBook of Mt. Ch'i-Lai) | |
2014 | 楊牧詩選 1956-2013 (Selected Poems, 1956-2013) | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
2015 | Memories of Mount Qilai: The Education of a Young Poet (Modern Chinese Literature From Taiwan), Translated into English by John Balcom. | New York: Columbia University Press |
2016 | 甲溫與綠騎俠 (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight). A Translation, with Introduction and Notes, from Middle English into Chinese | Taipei: Hung-fan Bookstore, Ltd. |
2017 | Sono Venuto Dal Mare: Potsie 1958-2012, Edited and Translated into Italian by Rosa Lombardi. | Rome |
2017 | The Completion of a Poem 一首詩的完成, Edited and Translated into English by Lisa Lai-Ming Wong. | Leiden |
2018 | Hawk of the Mind: Collected Poems of Yang Mu translated into English, Edited by Michelle Yeh. | New York: Columbia University Press |
2018 | Vzpominky na horu Cchi-laj 奇萊前書, Edited and Translated into Czech by Pavlina Kramska 白蓮娜. | Czech Republic: Mi:Lu Publishing |
2020 | ik kom van de zee, Edited and Translated into Dutch by Silvia Marijnissen. | Uitgeverij Vleugels |
2020 | Lange und Kurze Balladen, Edited and Translated into German by Susanne Hornfeck and Wang Jue. | Müchen: iudicium Verlag |